How do you decide if you should be using a male or female voice on my Telephone on Hold?
Should it be a young girl or an older man on my telephone on hold?
It’s often about variety. First, think about your business and the image you want to portray on your telephone on hold message.  What do you do? Who are your customers and how do you want your brand to make them feel?  Often looking at your customers is a simple way to choose. If you are a business with custom mainly made up of seniors give them a relatable voice on your telephone on hold. Hold up a mirror. If they are seniors give them a senior and a 50/50 mix of male and female. It will tend to make them feel comfortable.
For telephone on hold, I prefer alternating  male and female voices. that can add some punch to a script and punctuate one message to another. Others like to stick with one voice and keep everything consistent. There’s no right or wrong as long as you use good voices with a pleasant sound that people will like. Proven voices.
If you can choose a voice that satisfies both your brand and your callers, your content will really shine. To find the right voice for your IVR system, Messages On Hold, or other telephony applications, sample a lot of voices and choose the one that sounds the best to you and your callers.